AfroPoets Famous Writers

lady malasuérte

Everyone should wish to be
as strong as Lady Malasuérte
Both a warrior and an angel
both a peasant and a queen
A woman who loved no harder
than any one of us
but was punished far worse
than by just the pain of a lost or stolen love
by just the pain of a broken heart
Her story is your story
our story is hers

Everyone should wish to be
as forgiving as Lady Malasuérte
Both a warrior and an angel
both a woman and a child
Believing in truth
but riddled with lies
that leave one far more pained
than that of bullets
Her story is your story
our story is hers

Everyone should wish to have
faith as strong as that of Lady Malasuérte
Both haunted and blessed
trapped between hell and heaven
the worst purgatory
Tested every day for her belief in God
in good
and every day fighting to hold on
to sanity
to truth
to life
Though life has drastically changed
to an underworld of metal
and no escape
a world of hate
and little sunshine
a world where even those with whom you sleep
try to make you break
your heart cry
your eyes blank

And while Lady Malasuérte may be no saint
she sure as hell deserves not this!
And neither do you
for her story is yours
and our story is hers
and we all make mistakes.

Written by Alicia Keys


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